UFO: CLASSIC Old UFO photos with dates and locations?!?!?!

2 years ago

UFO: CLASSIC Old UFO photos with dates and locations?!?!?!

Proof: Old UFO photos from past 50 years with dates and locations from our collection

Just wondering how much proof is enough proof??

A lil tidbit for you...
LOC - LUNAR OPERATION COMMAND is a facility on the back side of the moon. This is a diplomatic neutral facility, to which
all the different space programs has access to.

Breakaway Civilization and Black Ops people travel to different parts of Solar System and also to other stars in our 50 Star cluster system and to near by galaxies from Carswell Air Force base.
At Carswell Air Force base in Fort Worth at 30 stories below Earth there are mag-lev rails which takes people to another DUMB location to LOC using stargate type technology and to Mantaray looking craft to out of the Solar System to research space vessels.
Also, small anti-gravitic shuttles take 2-3 minutes to reach moon from any where on Earth.

There are three LOCs, LOC ALPHA, LOC BRAVO, and LOC CHARLIE.
Lunar Operations Command is called LOC Alpha, and below ground in these lava tubes are two more called LOC Bravo and LOC Charlie.

What is Lower Earth Orbit SSP??

They are run by US AF predominantly. They have anti-gravitic crafts and their compartmentalized knowledge allows them to believe that they are top of the food chain and have anti-gravitic space
stations/platforms in the Lower Earth Orbit. They also have manned satellites in the orbit.

What is SSP??

SSP-SECRET SPACE PROGRAM. A part of US Navy runs a few of their operations and crafts. They have stations not only on our Moon but almost all the planets, moons, asteroids and planets in the Oort cloud
of our Solar System. They also have embassies in our neighboring solarr systems and other galaxies. Most of them belong to the Breakaway civilizaton. More about them in the post below...

EIGHT Factions of Secret Space Program:

1. Solar Warden - It started in late 70s during the strategic defense initiatives of Department Of Defense. Now they have breakaways and defectors from other space groups. Solar warden started cold war
against the un type space program where all the nations are involved. They at times pretended to accidentally pass by the ISS to show off their vessels. it was the product of a think tank in the aeronautical company called Douglas and the first Solar Warden US Navy spacecraft carriers were built in Utah underneath the ground.

2. ICC-Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate - The corporations all over the world that have representatives in a super corporate board that controls the infrastructures of the Secret Space Program
that they have out in the space. They are the largest and pretty much own all of the infrastructure out in the solar system.

3. Dark Fleet - They are the secretive fleet that works outside the solar system and have very advanced technology. Dark fleet and Draco alliance fleet which were performing their duties outside the
solar system were not able to come back to the solar system. Draconian or reptilians appear something like a reptile in inside entity (existence) and they look like ordinary people in physical body.

4. Black Ops(military)

5. Global Galactic League of Nations - These are earth nations to maintain the veil of secrecy for whatever is going on the outer space.

6. Super Federation Council - It consists of 40 human like ET groups. They are a group of ETs who are running 22 genetic programs which will have a dramatic effect upon the future of our planet, and
our place in the cosmos.

7. Earth Alliance - It wants to create a new financial system to take down the cabal system.

8. Space Alliance - They started from the solar warden faction, and defectors from the other secret space programs left their programs with their craft and intelligence and information and joined the
secret space program alliance.

DARK FLEET-Nobody has access to DARK FLEET BASES, they operate autonomously. They have VERY LARGE DIAMOND and PUMPKIN shaped vessels over 600 feet wide. They have a vessel which looks WEDGE SHAPED like star wars

destroyer, they are larger than 600 feet. They are an offensive force. They work alongside the DRACOS. They go outside the solar system on conquest or defending the draco territory.

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