Child of The World

2 years ago

Just a simple song with a powerful message on child abuse. This song was recorded by a new musician friend that I only really started to get to know over coffee with him and his wife on Wednesday this week. They are touring New Zealand towing their caravan for their outreach ministry. Part of the reason that they have hit the road with their caravan ministry has a lot to do with the climate of uncertainty with the covid tyranny so part and parcel of their gospel ministry is that they are what I like to call, 'freedom folk'. People like you and me in this freedom struggle together.

New Zealand society really started to bleed long ago, way before the hard boot of tyranny started to stomp on us. Somehow, we became dysfunctional and child abuse started to skyrocket. We live in a sick society if we allow this, shrug our shoulders and get on with life. It is one of the darkest symptoms of New Zealand society today. Along with rape and murder between adults and that's shocking enough.

But we were all given a glimpse of what was out there when Once were Warriors hit the theatres. It was a massive wake up call. And violence and abuse doesn't just happen in Maori households. Any child of any race can get abused, because evil doesn't discriminate.

The stories of child abuse on this video are disturbing but try and listen to the lyrics of the song. If we don't fight for the care and protection of our children in all areas of their lives especially with the 'health' tyranny, for our children, now, our children's children. For their freedoms along with our own freedoms that we all should be fighting for now, then do we really have our priorities straight?

Your freedom is my freedom. The children's freedom is your freedom and my freedom. This is why I thrive when I'm with young adults with their hopes and dreams and struggles. It really is getting harder and harder for them. I want to be with them, work with them and encourage them. I want their children to be safe and free to, prosper and grow strong with purpose, with hope. Because it's so hard to feel it out their today.

Child of The World

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