Let's Play - LISA: The Painful part 21

2 years ago

We rest at Area 2's inn before we climb up the Snow Mountain. If you get hit by the sliding football players or get caught in the explosion, you take 500 damage.

LISA: The Painful is a game on Steam. It works on Windows, Mac and Linux.

Also, check out my artworks and fanfics here: https://buzzly.art/~Red%20Dragonette and https://www.weasyl.com/~reddragonette

Tags: Red Dragonette, gaming, indie game, indiegame, half-blind playthrough, walkthrough, turn-based RPG, Steam, RPG Maker MV, Dingaling Productions, Brad Armstrong, Terry Hintz, Rage Ironhead, Ajeet Mandeep, Buffalo Van Dyke, Dusty Armstrong/Rando, Rupert Plowden, Edwin Olaf, Herman Christmas, Butch Irons, Iroquois Planter, Walker O'Brian, Redd Dillinger, Peter, flaming man, armed snowmen disguises, explosives, suicide bombers, college football team/gang, joy mutant, frozen/cremated corpses, toolbox, hidden tunnel, pair of glasses, water pump, boss battles, fights, hallucination, bandaged face, Area 2 Crossroads, 3, Construction, Snow Mountain,

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