Debbie’s Success Story of Neurological Organization via the Square 1 System

2 years ago

Debbie is a new client of ours who just saw much more range of motion after a neurological assessment via the Square 1 System. She has severe rheumatoid arthritis.

Slowly, over time, Debbie lost the ability to perform a couple of basic, yet very pertinent movements. It has been a few years since she could touch her mouth with her fingers. She ha exhibited an ear issue probably over 1 year.

Watch the video to see the change for yourself.

To discover more about the system and to connect with us to receive this work, visit and

The SQUARE 1 System™ looks at the body totally differently than the conventionalists do. Conventionalists tend to get caught up in symptoms but the SQUARE 1 System™ aims to get to the source of why you have pain, tightness, and weakness.

The reality is...everyone at some point experiences stress, injuries, trauma. The stimuli we perceive in life are perceived as either a threat or as safe. Threat perceptions cause us to compensate in a suboptimal way.

SQUARE 1 resets the software & gives the brain access to optimal positions and patterns. SQ1 helps put optimal back on the table to help people with more optimal movement, strength, range of motion, and in many cases decrease/eliminate pain.

The future of human performance is here...and we are thrilled to be the only ones in our area offering this wholistic modality!

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