What is the Bible? (Part 2) TRUTH!- Investigating "Can we trust the Bible?"

3 years ago

#whatisthebible? #isthebibletrue #TRUTH #canwetrustthebible? #investigatingtheBible #thisweekintheword

This weeks study:
Topic: How do we know the Bible is Real? Is the Bible True?
Series in the Topic: What is the Bible? (Part 2) Major theme: Truth

Welcome to This Week in the Word!

Called to share the work God is using to grow me. How I am preparing for his calling on my life, and being a witness to his glory. I am not a graduate of seminary, a theologian, or godly scholar. I am just a born again BIBLE believing disciple of Jesus Christ.

Mission: To encourage people to seek God through reading his word.

The bible is the "doctrine" given by God to man so that we can know truth. The word doctrine means: 1) the general sense of whatever is taught, 2) the act of teaching, 3) learning or knowledge. The Bible is a book of truth, teaching a consistent message throughout it about what is truth and what isn't. Ultimately the truth of the Bible is the basis of Christian doctrine. This is where faith enters the picture. Either you believe or you don't.
Psalms 33:4
2 Corinthians 6:7
2 Timothy 2:15
James 1:18
Ephesians 1:13
John 1:14
Romans 10:17
The battle of absolute truth vs false truth started with Satan in the garden of eden when he said "yea hath God said". Notice that Satan never uses an all out lie. The bible says that satan is a liar, and the father of it. Satan is continually attempting to deceive christians by planting false doctrine:
Genesis 3:1
John 8:44
1 Corinthians 14:26
1 Peter 5:8
1 John 4:1
Isaiah 5:20
The knowledge of false truth, shows us the need for absolute truth. Not all roads lead to salvation. Not all things are truth, even if they seem good on the surface:
Matthew 7:13-14
John 14:6
Ephesians 4:14-15
2 Timothy 3:16-17
There are many other references in the Bible that speak of the importance of truth, and how God and his word are that truth. Without truth we are lost and have no compass to point us north. The Bible is the only thing in this world that is true. The only thing to keep us from being deceived. Without this book as our foundation, our measuring stick, our guide, we will be deceived. This is why it is so important to be reading your bible. My hope is that you will engage and study your bible with me. God is real! His living word is real! READ YOUR BIBLE!

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