Is the Bible Corrupted? Part 2- WARNING: Be Not Deceived [Investigating- "Can We Trust the Bible?"]

3 years ago

#Benotdeceived #isthebiblecorrupted? #warning #canwetrustthebible?

Welcome to This Week in the Word!

This is where I am sharing the work God is using to grow me. How I am preparing for his calling on my life, and being a witness to his glory. I am not a graduate of seminary, a theologian, or godly scholar. I am just a born again BIBLE believing disciple of Jesus.

My mission is to encourage people to seek God through reading his word.

Investigating- "Can we trust the Bible?"
Series: Is the Bible Corrupted?
This weeks study: Part 2- WARNING: Be Not Deceived

As we start the journey of discovery, we look to the Bible and first read a word of warning

Be not deceived:
All deception, lies and counterfeits use a bases of truth: Gen 39:7-14,
Words of Warnings:
Against Being Ignorant: 9x why does this matter? Because ignorance is how you are deceived.
Against Being deceived: 10x
“Beware”: 28 times for a variety of things
“Take heed”: 126 times
Corrupt: 33 times
“Beguile(d)”: 10 times
The Bible is how God communicates to his people. Through his word he provides lots of warnings for believers to not be lead astray. This is for good reason. We have an enemy, the world and our flesh going against us.

Specific Warnings:
If you don’t have THE pure word, how do you know if your warnings are accurate?
Prophetic warnings: Old Testament prophets, Paul, and Jesus all gave warnings of corruption
There are corrupted words: 2 Cor 2:17
There are corrupted doctrines: Gal 1:6-8, Eph 4:14, 2Pet 3:16-17
There are corrupted views: 2The 2:1-3, Matt 7:15, 1John 4:1-6,
There are corrupted people (who disguise themselves as christians): Matt 13:36-43, Acts 20:28-32, 2Pet 2:1-3 (all of chapter 2), 2Cor 11:13-15, 2John 1:7, Jude :4-19
We are not to change the word of God!: Pro 30:5-6, Deu 4:2, Deu 12:33, Rev 22:18-19

Our hearts are Wicked:
God will allow naysayers to follow their wickedness into a false sense of self righteousness, and even be able to “use the word of God” to justify themselves Jer 17:9, 1 Cor 3:18-19 (Paul is quoting Job 5:13), 2Thes 2:9-12,
Gave us free will and God will give us over to the desires of our flesh: Psa 78:29, Psa 81:10-13, Psa 125:5, Rom 1:18-25,

We can error in the scriptures:
We need to approach the scriptures with caution. Prophets of old, Jesus, and the apostle Paul all spoke of people erring in reading the scriptures. (Note it was never the scriptures had error- this sets a president that God’s word is without error)
Matt 22:29, John 10:35, mark 12:27, 2Tim 2:18, when reading the scriptures you must rightly divide to keep from error 2Tim 3:16

How are we to respond?:
If you haven’t done so already, you need to trust in Jesus Christ’s death burial and resurrection otherwise you can’t discern spiritual things:1 Cor 2:6-14, Heb 11:6,
Read and study the word of God. 2 Tim 3:16
Mark them and separate from them: Phi 3:17-19 (comp-Rom 16:17), 1 Cor 14:38,

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