Did the King James include the Apocrypha? Lies about the KJV - Attacks against the KJV

2 years ago

#didthekingjamesincludetheapocrypha? #liesabouttheKJV #attacksagainsttheKJV

Welcome to This Week in the Word!
My mission is to encourage people to seek God through reading his word.

This weeks study: Did the King James include the Apocrypha?

We are in a study looking at the lies about the KJV (King James Version), and or attacks against the KJV. When you stand for a pure word of God, and seek it out, you will inevitably come to stand for the King James Bible as the pure word. When you learn this you become overjoyed knowing you have the word of God, and you want to share this exciting information. As soon as you do, you find that most people are not as excited about it as you would have thought, and some will try to tell you that you are wrong. They will attack the KJB and you. This study is to share common lies and attacks about and against the KJV so when you face them you will stand firm.

Thank you for watching, God bless 🙏🏼

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