Is the Bible Corrupted? Part 3- Knowing the Enemy's Strategy ["Can We Trust the Bible?"]

3 years ago

#knowingtheenemy'sstrategy #isthebiblecorrupted? #canwetrustthebible?

Welcome to This Week in the Word!

This is where I am sharing the work God is using to grow me. How I am preparing for his calling on my life, and being a witness to his glory. I am not a graduate of seminary, a theologian, or godly scholar. I am just a born again BIBLE believing disciple of Jesus.

My mission is to encourage people to seek God through reading his word.

This weeks study:
Is the Bible Corrupt? (Part 3) Understanding the Enemy:
The word of God existed before the creation of the earth, and Jesus is the word of God made flesh. (John 1:1-4,13-14, Eph 3:9, 1 Pet 1:23, 1John 5:7, Rev 3:14)
God has said his word is pure, perfect, truth and that it lives and abides forever. He said he preserved it. He promised it would be available to us and that if we seek knowledge and understanding he would not hold it back from us. So the question is not if we have the word of God, but rather where is it? Which one of the 450 English versions is it?
There are lots of warnings to be not deceived. False teachers would come in amongst us and lead many astray, and they would do so with corrupted words and corrupted views.

“Keep your enemies closer”
The reason so many are deceived is because they are ignorant. They don’t know there is a war, or that they have an enemy! Heck, most don’t realize there is only one true Bible!
Strategy of war has alway been about understanding your enemy.
If you know your enemy, you know his weapons, and you know his strategy then you can resist his attacks until God defeats him once and for all.

Who is our enemy?
This is NOT a conclusive study of our enemy.
We have 3 enemies the Bible clearly shows us:
The World: (appears 453x’s) James 4:4
Our Flesh: (appears 420x’s) Jer 17:9, Gal 5:16-17
Satan: (appears 66x’s) Satan is just a Hebrew word that literally means adversary, but he has MANY titles and names in the Bible. Who is satan?
Out of 450 English versions of the Bible, there are only 3 that identifies our enemy by name!!!
Isa 14:9-16, (How do we know Lucifer is Satan? Eze 28:11-19, Gen 3:1, 2Co 11:14, Rev 12:9- Lucifer has many names and titles, I believe the Bible is written this way as a boobytrap. God will let you believe what you want, but truth is found when you study and rightly divide)

The Enemy’s Weapon- Starting in the Beginning:
There are far more than just 2 weapons our enemy uses but we are going to focus on the 2 I think are his most deadly: the word of God (sword of the spirit), and confusion.
The first “word of God” given to man: what to do- Gen 1:28-31, what to not do- Gen 2:15-17
The first corruption:
Satan took away from the word: Gen 3:1
Eve added to the word: Gen 3:2-3 (now the stage is set)
Satan uses his sin to deceive Eve Gen 3:4-5
Power (knowledge), Freedom (from all the rules), (To be like God, and do what you want)
First corruption of the new testament (Jesus is tempted by Satan in the wilderness after Jesus had fasted 40 days and night): Matt 4:1-11
How Satan used the word:
Matt 4:3-4, Satan “if thou be”, this is a tactic Satan uses called casting doubt, Mark 5:1-9
Matt 4:5-7, Satan takes away from and adds to scripture, and uses “if thou be” again: Psa 91:11-12
Matt 4:8-10, Satan reveals his motive again
How Jesus used the word:
Matt 4:3-4, Jesus answers by quoting Deut 8:4
Matt 4:5-7, Jesus quotes Deut 6:16
Matt 4:8-10, Jesus doesn’t argue against Satan’s power, he refers to the covenant he made with Isreal Deut 8:19
Definition: a mixture of things promiscuously, disorder, tumult, abashment; shame, distraction of mind, defeat
There is not a verse in the Bible that say Satan uses confusion, but here’s some scripture about it: 1 Cor 14:33, James 3:16
Confusion is the tool Satan uses in his strategy, and he uses it along with the word of God most commonly as we just saw in Matthew.

The Enemy’s Strategy:
He infiltrates:
Garden of eden- (Gen 3), Eze 28:13
Nation of Isreal- Scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees (John 8:31-45)
Disciples- Luke 22:1-7
Church- 2 Cor 11:13-15
Bible- added to and took away from the word
He imitates:
The most high (228x’s): Psa 83:18, Like the most high: Isa 14:14
Jesus Transfiguration: Matt 17:2, angel of light: 2 Cor 11:14
Lion of Judah: Rev 5:5, roaring lion: 1Pet 5:8
Coming on a white horse: Jesus: Rev 19:11, satan Rev 6:2
The holy trinity: 1 John 5:7, the unholy trinity: Rev 16:13
The word: 2 John 1:6-7
His house is not divided Matt 12:22-26

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