What is the Bible?(Part 5)What Does the Bible Say About Itself?-Investigating Can we trust the Bible

3 years ago

#whatisthebible #isthebibletrue? #whatdoesthebiblesayaboutitself? #thisweekintheword #godvsbible #investigatingthebible

This weeks study:
Topic: How do we know the Bible is Real? Is the Bible true?
Series in the Topic: What does the Bible say about itself? (Part 5)

Welcome to This Week in the Word!

Called to share the work God is using to grow me. How I am preparing for his calling on my life, and being a witness to his glory. I am not a graduate of seminary, a theologian, or godly scholar. I am just a born again BIBLE believing disciple of Jesus Christ.

Mission: To encourage people to seek God through reading his word.

Lets talk about Names and Titles: we know these words and use them every day but most of us don’t stop and think about their meaning or how important their meanings are. Names are vital in communication. Its how we identify and rightfully know how to interact with the named person, place or thing. Names tell us who or what we are interacting with. Titles reveal the position, rank, distinction or designation of said name.
The why: its crucial when looking to the Bible to understand the names and titles that its gives itself, and that those names and titles are given by God. If they didn’t matter God wouldn’t have used them. They are used to teach us:
The level of reverence we are to use. So we don’t just become so comfortable with the Bible and treat it like any other book.
The level of authority it carries.
The purpose for it
Where it comes from

Scriptures (x21): Matt 21:42, Matt 22:29, Luke 24:45, John 5:39, 2Pet 3:16,
Scripture (x32): 2Tim 3:16, 2 Pet 1:20
Writing (x38 but this is the only verse that speaks to God’s writing): Exo 32:16
Writings (x1): John 5:47
“Word” occurs 697 time in the Bible:
The Word (x454, not all apply): Deu 30:14, John 1:1, Mark 4:14,
My word (x14): Num 20:24, Isa 55:11, John 5:24, John 8:31
Word of God (x48): Acts 17:11-13, Luke 4:4, Luke 11:28
Words of the lord (x255): Psl 12:6, 1Pet 1:25
Word of Christ (x1): Col 3:16
Word of truth (x5): 2Tim 2:15
Oracles of God (x3): Romans 3:2, Heb 5:12, 1Pet 4:11
lively oracles (x1): Acts 7:38
*I am sure this is not every name used of itself in the Bible, this is just what I found in my study

What does the Bible say about itself:
The Bible has a lot to say about itself and for lots of reasons (which it explains). The book of Psalms is the longest book in the Bible with 150 chapters. Chapter 119 of Psalms is the longest chapter in the Bible with 176 verses. Psalms 119 is the latest concentration of verses in one place speak about what the Bible is. If you haven’t read it for yourself, DO IT! Of course that is not the only place in the Bible that speaks to itself. This is what the Bible says about itself:
It is our comfort/joy: Psalms 119:82- Psalms 119:162- Jeremiah 15:16-
Our source of hope: Psalms 119:81- Psalms 119:114-
Our strength/assurance: 1 Thessalonians 1:5-
It is the sword of the spirit:Ephesians 6:17- Hebrews 4:12-
Its gives life: Matthew 4:4- Philippians 2:16-
It gives Salvation:1 Peter 1:23- John 20:31- Ephesians 1:13-
Instruction in righteousness (keeping us from sinning): Jeremiah 35:13- Psalms 119:11- Psalms 119:105- James 1:22-
There are no private interpretations: 2 Peter 1:20-
It is truth:John 17:17- Psa 119:160- 2 Timothy 2:15- James 1:18-
It is pure: Psalms 119:140- Proverbs 30:5- Psalms 12:6-
It is holy: Psalms 138:2- IRomans 1:2- 2 Timothy 3:15-
Its settled in heaven, eternal, preserved, not be broken:Psalms 119:89- 1 Peter 1:25- Psalms 68:11- 2Timothy 3:16- Isaiah 55:11-

I am not the first person to say this...
John 1:1-3- John 1:14- 1 Peter 1:23- 1 John 5:7-
Revelation 3:14- Revelation 19:11- Revelation 19:13-
This Bible is our gift of salvation Ephesians 2:8- Romans 10:17-
What is the gift?John 3:16- John 1:14- Psalms 138:2-
Jesus is the word of God, and the corner stone of our faith:
Isaiah 28:16- 1 Peter 2:6- 1 Peter 2:7- Matthew 21:42- Ephesians 2:20-

Action to take:
Recap: we have looked at the names the Bible gives for itself as well as the applications it gives for itself. We know it is the given by God, authoritative, perfect, holy, unbroken, and eternal. The word of God speaks truth and guides our lives. The reason this word has authority, and is perfect and is holy, is because it is God. This is the one thing that has been perfect since the world was created and it has not changed. This word is the only guide we have to know and understand our Creator. I hope this has compelled you to take action. If you are ready but don’t know what to do here are some instructions from scripture:
Read Gods word! Matthew 19:4-
Study God’s word! 2 Timothy 2:15-
Share God word! 2 Timothy 2:2-
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