What is the Bible? (Part 6) The Final Word- Investigating "Can we trust the Bible?"

3 years ago

#thisweekintheword #canwetrustthebible? #thefinalword #investigatingthebible #whatisthebible

Welcome to This Week in the Word!

This is where I am sharing the work God is using to grow me. How I am preparing for his calling on my life, and being a witness to his glory. I am not a graduate of seminary, a theologian, or godly scholar. I am just a born again BIBLE believing disciple of Jesus.

My mission is to encourage people to seek God through reading his word.

This weeks study:
Our Topic: How do we know the Bible is Real?
Our Series in the Topic: What is the Bible? (Part 6) The Final Word

A word of thanks:
I have never been on camera, or lead bible studies. This first series has been an adjustment for me, not just in learning how to edit videos and work with this technology, but how to prepare and deliver material from the word of God as I study it. This is part of my year of preparation.
At the start of this series we looked at what the Bible is, how it is comprised, how the world perceives the Bible, and even how some "christian" institutions define the Bible.
We then looked at the purpose of the Bible. Now there are lots of arguments for what the Bible is about or the purpose of it. Ultimately the Bible is God's spoken word, recorded by men, that God has kept pure and preserved. This is fundamental.
Truth: It is not possible for there to be one error, or one lie in this book. Either God gave us his word, and it is just as he is, without err, or God is weak and unable to keep his word. In which case none of this matters. This is where faith comes in. We are saved by grace through faith, and we are to walk with God in faith.
Ephesians 2:8-
2 Corinthians 5:7-
Rom 10:17-
Faith is defined in the Bible as:
Hebrews 11:1-
The war of 2 kingdoms:There are beings that are not human, not of this world, in fact they are not of this dimension. Some are good and some are evil. They have free will just as we do. We don't fully understand it but Satan declared that he will overthrow God, starting the war and a third of the heavenly hosts took his side. Ever since his fall Satan has imitated and infiltrated everything of God's. The war is ongoing and our very souls hang in the balance. We know how it will end, yet it is our choice to which side we will serve. There will not be one person without excuse: Rom 1:18-25
Condition of the Heart:Everything in this world comes down to a condition of our heart. Every choice we make is a reflection of what is important to us. God is able to see to our core. The intrinsic side of ourselves that no one knows. Its the core of our motive. The bible says our hearts are wicked and not to be trusted. It says that in the heart is where we commit sin. Most importantly that in the heart is where we believe unto salvation.
Most importantly we looked at What the Bible says about itself. The Bible says it is written by God, it is true, pure, holy, settled in heaven, eternal, and preserved. You can trust the Bible and know it is real because it is God (not the actual book, but the words). 1Jo 5:7

The Bible is not just a list of wise metaphors. Its also not a "outdated", "archaic", or "sexist" book. It wasn't written by men who desire to have power, although through history evil men have used it as such. Although we can benefit from all of the Bible, not all of it is written directly to us. The Bible is a unified work and must be carefully read, studied, and divided into the correct context.
God created the physical realm we live in, that we can see, taste and touch. This world is cursed and will end in death. God created a spiritual realm that is invisible and eternal. Throughout history God has allowed us views into this spiritual realm to show us what he wants us to know. He has interacted with his creation, giving them himself in book form- his Holy Word, calling them to believe in, worship and serve him because he is the Holy God, creator of all. In short God allows us to choose, not in word, but in action. God is most interested in our heart, our motivation. The true reason. Not what we say or show with fake actions. The heart is the true us that only God knows. The bible reference the word "heart" 830 times! Most importantly it says our hearts are deceitful above all things, and so wicked that it can even fool us. Everything with God comes down to an issue of our heart
[Mat 13:15
Just like our physical bodies, our spiritual bodies need food to strengthen us. The bible says it is the it is the bread of life. Christians who want to please God in their lives need to have a regular spiritual diet of God's Word. Those who are not believers but who may be interested or even skeptical should read the Bible for themselves and see what it is all about.

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