Trailer video for new series: The Difference Position - This week in the Word

3 years ago

#thedifferenceposition #thisweekintheword #Trailerfvideofornewseries

Welcome to This Week in the Word!
My mission is to encourage people to seek God through reading his word.

This weeks study: We launch our biggest study to date, The Difference Position.

This is a very in depth look at comparing apples to apples. We put the new versions of the Bible next to the King James Version of the Bible so we can see what differences they have. In this study you can see how all new versions of the Bible omit 16 scriptures as a standard, they change word to corrupt the doctrine of the Bible, they change how we rightly divide the word of truth, they reduce the deity of Christ, they are full of errors, and are all influenced by the Roman Catholic Church. There is a lot of content we cover in this series. Grab your bible and Join me as we study!

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