Sean from SGT: They're crashing the financial system NOW

2 years ago

Sean from SGT: They're crashing the financial system NOW

When you consider the recent #economic events out of Washington DC, between the response to C0VID, the sanctions on Russia, and the Fed´s #interestrate hikes, it´s not hard to see that the #stockmarket is running into trouble.

Yet to those who are familiar with the history, this hammer to the economy concept isn't entirely unprecedented. As the banking houses have a history of preparing themselves for the collapse before it implodes, and profiting on the move.

Is that what we´re seeing now?

Sean from The SGT Report, whose news site gives him access to an incredible amount of news that most don´t get to see, checks in to share what he´s watching, what might be planned, and what you´ll want to be prepared for.

So to find out whether we´re watching a planned implosion, click to watch the interview now!


To access Sean´s fantastic site The SGT Report, which is one of the few places where we can still get news that isn´t already politicized, go to:
https://www.sgtreport .com/


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