Why the Canadian government has become a house of cards

2 years ago

Why our government has become a house of cards constructed of lies and ideologies so nutty that they contradict themselves:

The oligarchs long ago lost control of the narrative. Alternative news media, the popularity of academics like Jordan B Peterson, Stephen Hicks, Mark Milke, Gad Saad and John Robson, just to name a few, who are openly condemning the corruption endemic in the Postmodern Academy, the exposure of the prevalence of political corruption which has been supported by social media's active campaign of disinformation have all become common knowledge.

And payback is gonna be a bitch! Public opinion and anger over the lies we have been fed by our elite class are about to cause a major rejection of the type of social collectivism our governments have tried to force upon us which rejects our individual identity and the civil liberties which protect the individual. Critical Race Theory is the most blatant attempt to recreate racism under the false banner of equity ever devised by perverse ideologues whose theories contradict themselves. The elite are about to find out just how disenchanted the average Joe and Jane have become with their campaign of lies and authoritarianism because we will take back our legislative assemblies to forcibly restore them to the control of, by, and for the people, since it is to the people that they belong, rather than to a wealthy cadre of evil globalists who control our elected representatives like puppets.

Now for a history lesson since our memories our short and we might therefore believe that there is no precedence for rebellion against authoritarianism in Canada: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burning_of_the_Parliament_Buildings_in_Montreal

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