Treating for rrain scald / rain rot / mud fever Part II

3 years ago

Some of the horses have developed rain scald from being in constant rain for two weeks and flood conditions.

On a nice sunny day I have washed them with an anti-dandruff shampoo (this is recommended by a vet for skin conditions like this and mud fever) and a herbal horse shampoo with tea tree oil. I wet the affected parts and rub both shampoos in well and allow it to sit for at least five minutes. I then gradually add water and further rub and lather the shampoos into the affected areas. Then gradually rinse the the areas clean, starting with the top of the body going down to the feet.

I then spray a dilute mixture if iodine and mouth wash with water over the affected areas and allow it to dry. This is to kill any bacteria or fungus that may be present. Repeat this every second day until it improves.

Part I
Part III

#RainScald #MudFever #RainRot #MudScald

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