Natural Medicine Secrets Episode 5

2 years ago

Detoxing: The Elimination Pathways: The Gut
Live blood testing – The blood tells the entire story. Watch as Dr. Gioffre tests and analyses his patient’s blood and creates a protocol to take their health to the next level.
Cancer-causing chemotherapeutic agents prescribed for autoimmune disease when results can be obtained through nutritional excellence. ‘’I would scream this from the rooftops.’’ – Dr. Joel Fuhrman explains his natural alternative to healing.
Less than 40 percent of healthy people poop once a day. According to Dr. John Dempster you should be having two to three bowel movements a day. Learn how diet and anxiety can contribute to poor bowel function.
“Food is aging us. Just metabolizing calories, produces free radicals” - Dr. Joel Fuhrman teaches us how to choose foods with a mild caloric restriction. Foods rich in natural phytochemicals and antioxidants slows the aging process and the body does not produce as many free radicals.
“Up on the screen, I could see my blood was riddled with parasites” - Learn how bentonite clay and its magnetic properties was the answer to ridding the body of a parasitic invasion.

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