Incomplete Lecture Pertaining To The Development Of Telekinesis

3 years ago

Well here it is. I was going to discard all this and start again but I thought, might as well just share this with you all, and see if any of you derive value from this. In due time I should have a new presentation for you all ready that is more focused and complete. What Tom Montalk told me has allowed me to come up with a more complete formula than what was presented here and I want to one day tell you about the new formula I have now. For now may this be a help to those of you who are searching. I apologize for the stuttering and slurred speech I am tremendously tired while narrating this as I have been awake with no sleep for too long but if I put things off until "the time is right" you might never get this, so even though my presentation is not perfect, at least you have it.

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