Episode 1 – The Crypto Revolution

2 years ago

Uncensored Crypto - Episode #1: The Crypto Revolution

This episode features Brock Pierce, Fred Theil, Bryce Paul, Martin Weiss, Congressman Warren Davidson, Mike Dillard, and other speakers.

During the episode, these speakers discuss topics like:

- How the 2008 financial crisis created the carnage that fuelled the rise of bitcoin, and why bitcoin will continue to create a revolutionary new system over the coming years
- Why bitcoin’s underlying blockchain technology is “bigger than the internet” and could be as disruptive to the world as the internet was in 1995; blockchain “will transform almost every aspect of society” regardless of whether or not you ever buy cryptocurrency.
- The tipping point that will swing mass adoption in favor of cryptocurrencies and how to take action immediately to avoid being left behind after the tipping point occurs
- Blockchain explained how blockchain works, why we can restore our freedom and sovereignty with blockchain, and how to use blockchain to escape “surveillance capitalism.”
- How decentralized finance is about to become a $4 trillion asset class – and how you can profit from the tsunami of wealth being created in the DeFi space
- How to “safely earn investment yield 67x higher” by withdrawing your money from banks and taking advantage of a unique investment opportunity; according to the creators of Uncensored Crypto and the experts interviewed, you can earn 67x returns on investment taking advantage of this opportunity.
- Why are our fiat currencies corrupted because of a monetary system beyond repair, and how are cryptocurrencies the only way to restore equality and balance to this system.
- Four ways to invest in Crypto, including the pros and cons of each approach, how to select the right direction for you, and how to maximize returns on investment.
- Bitcoin versus gold as a store of wealth, including which asset class is right for protecting your money.
- Why inflation is eroding your money and is getting worse – and how you can escape the wealth-destroying impact of inflation through cryptocurrencies.
- How a government insider exposed the terrifying truth about the “Federal Reserve’s Central Bank Digital Dollar” project and why it would be a disaster for US citizens.
- The battle for wealth and power in the future world, including why the fight for the future of power and wealth is currently being waged across the battlefields of currencies – and the consequences if we lose this battle.


Uncensored Crypto is a 9-part documentary series led by host Michael Hearne.

Michael Hearne is a serial entrepreneur with 15 years of experience. He started his first business in a tiny apartment in a rough part of town. Today, Michael has pulled his family out of poverty to become the resilient entrepreneur he is today.

During the 9-part series, viewers will hear from industry experts who explain their thoughts on modern cryptocurrency. Experts will explain how Crypto works, what’s going on today, and how investors can take advantage of upcoming trends.

Experts interviewed in Uncensored Crypto include Mike Dillard (founder of RicherEveryDay.com), Brock Pierce (founder of Blockchain Capital), Bryce Paul (founder of Crypto 101), Warren Davidson (Congressman from Ohio), Tiana Laurence (General Partner at Laurence Innovation and CEO and co-founder of GoodMatch.org), Alexander Postlmayr (founder of Coinpay), Irina Litchfield (founder and CEO of BlockchainCubed.com), and dozens of other experts.

Uncensored Crypto is being released online by Decentral Publishing. You can contact the Uncensored Crypto team via the following:

Phone: 888-509-3806
Mailing Address: 1675 South State Street, Suite B, Dover, DE 19901

Video Source: https://uncensoredcrypto.net/

Website: https://uncensoredcrypto.com/

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