Morning Musings #28 - Excavating to the bedrock of the Soul... unearthing Roman concepts.

3 years ago

Rome was not built in a day. And just like the physical Rome was built over many generations, we have had Rome built in our psyche (soul) over many generations. And I am in the process of excavating down to the bedrock of my soul and removing all the religious layers that were laid down... in building the Rome inside of me. There's a lot of people that would like to see the edifice of religious power in Rome crumble. But we also have to start taking down the Roman edifice that's in our conscious awareness. I always get conscious and unconscious mixed up, because it's so intertwined and embedded. It probably applies to both conscious and unconscious, but we only have small conscious awareness of the substrata of the Roman foundations.
So, as I am excavating into my own soul, I have been thinking whether there is a scripture in the Bible that records Jesus ever saying "Lean on me" and "I will carry you"? I know there is songs and hymns that go on all about leaning on Jesus, being carried by Jesus. But where is that coming from, is it original divine truth, or is this something that people have conceptualised and built based on their need. As I have stated before, we were built on a foundation of lack, need and helplessness. And so naturally, because we feel helpless within ourselves we create thought patterns and a religion of a saviour that sustains us in our helplessness. It's like the post I did yesterday (Soul Speak #10) on the paralytic that was laying for 38 years at the pool of Bethesda. Have we created this idea of leaning on God, because we do not have cognisance of our divine strength? And what stripped us of our divine strength? What stripped us of the Christ-ness through which we can do all things? What stripped us of this truth?
So, does Jesus say anywhere directly out of his mouth, not in one of the passages that are interpreted to be his words, but something that he said directly like red letters in the New Testament? Did he ever say "lean on me, and I will carry you" or did he say "pick up your bed and walk"?
#whoamI #realization #findingme

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