Soul Speak #15 - "Men shall be lovers of their own selves". 2.Tim 3:2 The ReneGade Version.

3 years ago

I want to share some insights on a passage of scripture that a friend posted in response to all the references circulating about "loving one's self". I'd like to explain and hopefully clarify some of the confusion that often surrounds that phrase.

2.Tim 3:2 For men shall be *lovers of their own selves*, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy.

When I look back over my own life as a Christian, the irony is that I was some of those things listed there while I believed myself to be a good Christian. And why was this?

Mainly because my ego (against better knowledge) projected my 'self' and 'God' as polar opposites. God was good, and I was bad (sinner). So it was impossible to partake of the divine nature in my Self, because my own house was divided against itself.

Now that I understand that I AM GOD (I put it this way on purpose, shock shock!) 😆, the 'separation' mentality has been dissolved and I made peace with the fact that I am a divine being in love with my own divine Self.
Eph 2:14 ...has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility (with ourselves).

Do you remember Jesus speaking of "a house divided against itself shall fall"? We are that house, and only a healthy love for Self puts our house together.

The 'self love' referred to in Timothy is talking about the acts of a person who subconsciously "self loathes". They act out from a place of pain, discontent and lack, and as a result of those subconscious feelings they have to 'inflate' their "self" inorganically to get a sense of 'self worth', and that's what gives it the ugly edge.
But true, organic SELF LOVE generated from a conscious awareness of one's divine nature is healing and wholesome, and eliminates the constant need for play-acting, which is the word in the bible used for hypocrite.

Heal yourself through love and acceptance of your "humanness", of your beautiful Soul SELF!

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