Soul Speak #13 - Colossians 2:9 For in him (auto) dwells all the fullness of Deity bodily.

3 years ago

I am taking liberty to reinterpret the verse, based on the personal revelation I have been given. I am not a language professor, but the Greek word 'auto' holds the definition of {he,she,it, they, them, same}.

Just thinking of the word 'auto' etymologically it reminds me of 'auto-nomy' which is self-governance. So 'auto' means self, and is rendered in 3rd person pronoun either in singular or plural, depending on the grammatical context.

Of course, at the time of transcribing and translating the original texts, the theology of Jesus being the only (express) incarnation of God in earth had been firmly established, and so this 'theology' became the context of the scriptures.

But when we apply the root meaning of 'auto' as referring to the Self, then we can read that verse as "For in the Self dwells all the fullness of Deity or God bodily."

In other words, your inner Self (auto not ego; not the pseudo personality or small self that was formed later, obscuring our True Self) is the full expression of God inside your body.

When you realise that 'You are God' (the express image of Divinity bodily) - and by realise I mean at the deep inner soul level (the auto), it fills one with a sacred awe (holiness) and power (dunamis) at the same time. A sacred awareness envelops us. It reminds me of the passage that says - "And you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you."

Of course, this 'coming upon you' is nothing more than the becoming aware of the Truth of who you have always been! ❤️

#embodyingGod #divinity #youaregod

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