Morning Musings #31 - Being IN the World, but not OF the world. What might this look like?

3 years ago

I had a lengthy and wonderful conversation with a friend last night as we were contemplating our role in this world (matrix), and what to do about the energetic 'dis-ease' I (and her) seem to feel every time we dip our toes into the waters of the matrix with the noble intent of trying to change it.
The conclusion I have come to, as the words of Jesus resound in my memory "you are in the world, but not of the world"... is that my role is not to try to change the egos that power the matrix world, but to exit the world of ego power altogether.

None of the ascended masters (including Jesus) ever tried to change the world, but they pointed to a reality that lies outside of this world. "Come out of her, my people."

The only way "out" of the matrix is by the way IN, through the God portal (heart). And truly only FEW find that portal.

It cannot be achieved through activism, as Barabbas in Jesus' day tried and failed. And so many are trying and failing. I just saw the update of the GoFundMe campaign for the Truckers having been shut down due to saboteurs derailing the cause and tainting it by reports of violence. Thankfully, all funds will be refunded to the donors and not seized.

The Matrix by it's sheer nature has energetic rules ☯ that cannot be changed. If you create a push or resistance against, you are surely going to experience a counter push back, and this will always be in BALANCE. It's physics law.

It took me a while to learn this lesson, and I have decided to no longer push against the Matrix and those who love it so much. I will be devoting my Facebook and Youtube space only to personal spirituality and assist those who wish to 'come out of the matrix' by way of the heart. ❤

#exitthematrix #thematrix #matrixmind

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