Soul Speak #08 - If God is Love, why did He create darkness and evil?

3 years ago

I see people struggling with the concept "If God is Love, why did He create darkness and evil?"

I think a big problem for us is that we perceive God as some cosmic avenger character of 3D (dimensional) stature, and so we think He arbitrarily creates these scenarios.

Instead of seeing it as a conscious act of creating good and evil, it may perhaps help us understand it better when we think in terms of vibrations. Everything created comes into "form" through various combinations of frequency and vibration.

The scale of 'good and evil' is essentially just energy measuring in lower and higher frequency ranges. You can also think of it in terms of a temperature gauge, when temperature dips into the (-) negative or cold range, things freeze and when it shifts into the (+) plus or warm side, things melt.

Good and evil work on the same scale. When the immediate energy within our being (and collectively) slides into the (-) negative or lower density scale, things become heavy, irritable and reactive. The same is true for the higher or (+) positive scale, things become lighter and more at ease or good. I think you get the idea.

So everything is created 'energetically' like this, and the lower vibrations manifest as what we call "evil" or "dark" things. The energies are constantly in flux, and that's how the shifts are created.

It is not a case of a single God persona deciding today, I am going to make some humans miserable, it's a collective balancing of energies that create outcome. When the Bible speaks of God creating light and dark, it refers to this energetic flux.

#GodisLove #whyevil #goodandevil

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