Soul Speak #09 - Jacob's Ladder, the Split or Dual Mind and the Mind of Christ

3 years ago

We are all walking on a dimensional stairway (spiral) which has no ceiling, it is open ended and we can either walk down or up on it. Another term for it is Jacob's Ladder.
I was reading a post in another group that was sharing about the biblical passage that talks about our own righteousness being dung, and that our faith and righteousness is a gift from God. Some thoughts came to me which I would like to share below.
It is true that faith comes "from" God ... and all things are "from" or "of" God (Source). If I may use this simplified illustration, try to picture God reaching within itself 'wishing to be' everything that has come to be.
Everything has the 'genetic code' of God in it, thus making everything 'God'. Like begets like. God did not form everything apart from itself. He/she/it did not create matter and then decide to create separate things from that matter.
Although, when we read the creation story, which is very simplistic it may seem like God took a lump of clay and made everything from that -- but the truth is, God IS that lump of clay.
We learned the story of 'separation from God' and as a result of that interpret everything with this divided view or perception. That's why we keep making the distinction between "our's" and "God's" -- our righteousness and God's righteousness, as if they are two different and separate things. In truth, they are both one and the same.
The language that we use in saying "his" and "ours" derives from having eaten the fruit of the tree of relativity or comparison (good and evil) -- we became divided in our thoughts, and ever since keep on perceiving in a dividing and separating manner -- which is the sin.
Jesus is referenced regarding this 'separation' in Eph 2:14 "For He Himself is our peace, having made both one and having broken down the barrier of the partition of hostility,"
Various Bible versions render this verse differently, even going so far as to insert additional words such as 'groups' or 'Jews and Gentiles', but the original language does not have any indication of this applying to anything other than the 'divided' or 'parted' way of thinking in our mind.
So, Jesus made peace within his own flesh, by making the two sides of the brain as one in consciousness. That's what that verse is saying.
Christ is not a person (as most of us have been taught to believe), it is actually the consciousness that recognises and sees all things (God) as unified and one. So, to say as Paul did 'I count all things as dung, that I may gain Christ' just means I am willing to let go of everything in order to experience the reality of oneness.

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