Rare WW2 40M Nimród - Landsverk L-62 Anti II - footage.

3 years ago

Rare WW2 40M Nimród - Landsverk L-62 Anti II - footage.

The Nimrod 40M license-built copy of the Swedish Landsverk L-62 Anti II, which was developed to be a anti-aircraft and tank destroyer vehicle with a new turret design and a 40 mm 36M anti-aircraft gun.
It would be build and based on top of the 38M Toldi chassis.

It would see action with the 51st and 52nd Armoured Autocannon Battalions of the 1st and 2nd Hungarian Armoured Divisions. Although it was originally intended for anti-tank use. but it proved to be ineffective against Soviet tanks, and it would be only used for lightly armored vehicles and air defense.

From 1940 only 135 Nimrods were built.

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■ Information obtained from several sites.
■ Wikipedia
■ tanks-encyclopedia
■ the.shadock.free.fr/Surviving_Panzers
■ preservedtanks
■ pantser.net
■ the.shadock.free.fr/Tanks_in_France

■ Some music is from the YouTube Audio Library.

■ Music used:

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