FB Live Feb27, 2022 - Vibrations, Harmonic Reactor, Quantum Perspective of Psalm 91, "Demons" etc. 😆

3 years ago

Just a random Live Chat on Facebook... me 'casting out my live stream demons' 😆 and having a conversation about Marina Jacobi and her work at her Youtube channel The Harmonic Reactor. Lots of wonderful information to be gleaned from her work. #marinajacobi #psalm91 #quantum

How to create harmonic resonance and change our personal timeline. Psalm 91 considered from a Quantum science perspective. OHHH... and the word I was looking for is... I want to help people "feel good about themselves". One needs to be in that "feel good" frequency to create "good" outcome.

And also... I am thinking of Israel circling Jericho 7 times with their "praise band"... singers... all of this speaks of vibration.... creating a harmonic field...

Paul and Silas were in prison "singing" ... creating a harmonic field...

"Now toward midnight, Paul and Silas praying, were singing praises to God. And the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly a strong earthquake shook the foundations of the prison. At once all the doors flew open and everyone’s chains came loose." Acts 15:25, 26

Check out Marina's channel at:

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