Soul Speak #22 (Jun 23/20) Have we created God in our own image? Is God really jealous?

2 years ago

I find that in the past I would 'interpret' God by projecting my own ego traits upon God. If I may offer an example of this; if I am prone to feeling jealous when attention is given to someone else... it is natural to our ego mind to believe that "God will have no other gods beside Him", and that He "is a jealous God" in need of protecting His interests. This is not the case at all. However, our ego will rely on scripture to protect it's personal interests (flesh) and call it God.

We find a lot of this type of language in the scriptures, and it looks to me very much like the men who wrote them were projecting their own feelings onto God. This is why He is depicted so often with the same kind of human traits we find in ourselves and are not fond of.

The God that is ONE and in and through all, has no need to feel jealous of some imagined competition. He is not subject to the dualistic and separated "good and evil" type of thinking that we came into the world with. It is time to raise the ceiling on the image we hold of the Divine, and stop creating Him in our own image.

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