Exploring The Mind-Boggling History Of Human Evolution With Arthur Saniotis

2 years ago

On this podcast, we are joined by Arthur Saniotis. Arthur is an Adjunct Senior Fellow at The University of Adelaide, Australia, and he currently specializes in clinical anatomy, neuroanatomy, and medical science. With a diverse background in the sciences, Arthur is interested in integrating various disciplines such as anthropology, philosophy, medical science, and evolutionary science. He does this so that he can see and study the same thing – just from different angles.

Listen to this episode to learn more about:

1) How Arthur’s wide perspective influences his research.
2) How medicine has drastically progressed in recent history.
3) How psychedelic substances have become a part of our evolutionary history.
4) By what means exercise has played a major role in our development as human beings.
5) The link between movement and intelligence.

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How is clinical and evolutionary medicine going to change the future of science? Arthur Saniotis may just have some answers for you.

You can find out more about Arthur Saniotis and his research by clicking here, as well as here.

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