"Faker than Fake News" Stephen Colbert vs. UTubekookdetector (White Supremacy)

2 years ago

When Stephen Colbert says #Insurrection or blabbers about the Buffalo mass shooting what he means is "White Supremacy." #LSSC The man is a dolt & a carnival-barker. Team UTubekookdetector calls him out for his falsehoods & issues a challenge for Steph & his vaunted sheeple.

The entire challenge can be found @ #oldfartrantsdebunked https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02w61S4ayhN1TpexoFQfns2rTu1q1HN3iuuZY9qED7RBi3hKoqS1KqsHZZHsEMisqpl&id=100064869933577

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