Glas-Break Bullet-Animation with Blender [2.92] and Quickbuttons

3 years ago

Quickbuttons is an AddOn for Blender. Its available at the Blender-Market here:

Glas-Breaking and Bullet-Shooting are still not so easy to animate with Blender. Using Quickbuttons all such stuff it can be done with a few Button-Clicks.
For this there are new Features in Layer 4, that will do all needed things "under the hood". At the time of this writing they are not yet well documented in the Quickbuttons-Manual, because there may be changes in details and Button-Positions with the next updates.
However the functions are easy to use and the video shows how all works together.
The Video is of 2 Parts,
00:00 - 25:19 Part I
25:19 - 37:37 Part II

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