SN1214: Manipulating Madness, Rona Resurgence & Global Destabilization | Factions Of Freedom

2 years ago

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This is a wild ride of an episode guys, for real. We’re talking Davos world elites doing psychedelics, Satanists petitioning to carry out “abortion rituals”, the devastating effects of radicalization going on with the youth, “Water Cops” and so much more. This is not a beginner’s episode, and if you’re unfamiliar with the agenda for total global domination, this might give you a little insight into that fact. Seriously, we cover how the World Economic Forum is creating a Climate Change Treaty!

That’s right, a treaty to protect the entire world. This isn’t the treaty being created and drafted right now by the World Health Organization in the event of another pandemic, this is another globalist treaty to usurp your rights. All of this and more make for the topics of this week’s transmission. It doesn’t stop there though, and you’ll hear me say that through the entirety of this episode, how this is the beginning of society unraveling.

We cover food riots in Sri Lanka, protests of price hikes in Iran, China’s economy taking a down turn due to their “zero-covid policy” and how all of this is being done intentionally. In order for the global government to come into fruition, the problems have to be so massive that only a supranational governing body could be capable of fixing them, but isn’t that the oldest trick in the book? Giving authority to the very same governing body that caused the problem.

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