shaving is an american woman thing, silly stuff (like the rest of america)

2 years ago

what if i showed up on time and got a better paying job
what if i cleaned up my car/house...would that ever clean up my mind
i thought i was doin sumin wrong cos i fit out
twatbotz hahahaha
shaving is an american woman thing
fuck republicans, they learned nothing
they just want a savior, i thought Jesus was that for you (guess not)
this camera is a lot like my mind
objects in my life behave like me
you better not be the AI, dear camcorder
me n siri gonna be buddy buddy
she'd have to choose me
chin flab!
maybe i could teach the AI love/empathy
social structure very detrimental to society
"the next step" hahaha
ag is at war with conventional everythang
these people are so miserable now, see: boomer generation
all they care about is fitting in, it ain't happiness
people don't wanna be happy anyway
bandaids don't work at solving psychological turmoil
they don't deserve it cos they didn't work for it
people don't want what's best for them, that's for sure
i don't wanna control anyone, i want them to control themselves
stuffing their face w/ cheese fries and extra whipped cream
these mfs need no whipped cream for 25yrs
i pity these obese people and their inability to control themselves
in america obesity is normalized
all the medical probs we have in this country
mental/physical/spiritual health in this country is total crap
you don't scold people that you hate (proverbs 3:11-12)
hey you wanna pup cup of whipped cream
if nobody else care, ag cares

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