Dr. Fleming: Resist Biden-U.N. "Health" Regime, Prosecute Covid Criminals

2 years ago

Dr. Richard Fleming, a prominent medical doctor and lawyer, is sounding the alarm about the UN World Health Organization's power grab, saying the Biden-backed scheme must be resisted and the Covid criminals and totalitarians must be indicted and prosecuted instead. In this interview with The New American magazine's Alex Newman on Conversations That Matter, Dr. Fleming--also a PhD in nuclear physics--called on everyone to contact their state attorneys general to demand grand jury investigations of Dr. Fauci and others involved in the monstrous crimes against Americans and humanity. Among other concerns, Dr. Fleming said that the excess deaths actually began not with Covid, but with the masking and experimental injections. Now, there is a pandemic among the vaccinated, and yet nobody is being held accountable. Dr. Fleming also rejected the idea that this was stupidity or incompetence by those responsible. Rather, it was premeditated "crimes against humanity," he said. Now, it is time for justice.

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