Snoqualmie Falls

3 years ago

This is a brief history of Snoqualmie Falls in Snoqualmie Washington according to the Snoqualmie Tribe.
According to the Snoqualmie legends the name's Snoqualmie is the English translation for Sahkoko which means moon. The falls is their spiritual place of creation by moon who created the falls and also the people and other creatures. One legend says that Sebow the beaver climbed up into the sky and brought down trees and fire to the earth the tribe is known as people of the moon because of moon the transformer which is their creator. It is also their belief that their prayers are brought up to the heavens through the mist that comes from the falls. Historically speaking, the falls had been used as a fort during wars against other tribes and also burial grounds. It is currently home to a hydroelectric plant, a casino, hotel and restaurant and a tourist attraction among other things.

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