Republican Turnout far Exceeds Democrats | Schaftlein Report

2 years ago

Republican Turnout far Exceeds Democrats | Schaftlein Report
Guest: Jeffrey Dunetz - LidBlog Author ( )
1) Democratic turnout increase by 3% while Republican gains were 38%
*GOP is up on the Generic ballot by a range of 4-8%
2) In Georgia where Biden claimed "Jim Crow laws to prevent voting among minorities", there is record turnout - Another Democratic lie exposed for the fraud they portray
3) Oz leads McCormick by 1,240 votes with mail in ballots still being counted - The lead is shrinking
4) Speculation about Biden not running in 2024 grows - Why would he - His presidency has been a total failure
*His approval rating is at 36-39%
5) Russian colonel on state TV says the war is lost in a stunning revelation
6) Russian Denazification is total propaganda and hypocrisy
7) China is in discussion with Russia to buy discounted oil
8) Gas prices hit an average of $4.59 today the highest ever
a. Mortgage demand plummets as rates on mortgages rise to highest level in 13 years
b. Initial jobless claims increase to 218K to touch highest level since January - It is still very low as jobs are plentiful
9) DHS "pauses" the Disinformation Board - For now?
10) Musk claims Democrats are the party of division and hate - We agree

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