Russian general turned into a scapegoat! Russian general was arrested and fired

2 years ago

Russian general turned into a scapegoat! PUTIN fires Russian generals for catastrophic defeat in Ukraine | Update on the Russia and Ukraine war February 19.

'Concealer and scapegoat' Putin lost humiliatingly in the Black Sea when the commander opened fire.

The UK Ministry of Defense says VLADIMIR military commander Putin is grappling with a "culture of cover-ups and scapegoats" as Russian forces continue to face their own military opposition.

In recent weeks, Russia has fired senior commanders believed to have underperformed in the opening phase of its invasion of Ukraine, the Defense Ministry said. The MoD points to Lieutenant General Serhiy Kisel, who commanded the Russian offensive on the city of Kharkiv in the northeastern part of the country. PUTIN could do nothing but fire his subordinate for a humiliating failure.

Oleksiy Arestovych, a close adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, announced earlier this month that a Russian lieutenant-general had been arrested and fired.

The MoD said Kisel was suspended after failing to capture the bombed city, and the fate of Vice Admiral Igor Osipov was foretold similarly, who was in charge of Russia's Black Sea fleet.

This happened after the Russian cruiser, Moskva, was sunk in April.

The Vice Admiral has remained undisclosed since the ship sank after being hit by a Ukrainian missile.

Ukrainian intelligence later reported that Osipov had been "purged", and that his second commander was arrested.

But a "culture of cover-ups and scapegoats" is likely to pervade Russia's military and security forces, with many soldiers and commanders wanting to avoid "personal guilt" over achievement. Russia's incompetence. Mod said.

In such a situation, "Russia will find it difficult to regain the initiative".

Mark Galeotti, Russia expert at Mayak Intelligence agrees that the Russian system "often looks for scapegoats", and Russian commander Osipov is becoming the next victim. This is simply an act of blaming PUTIN's subordinates, Mr. PUTIN has turned his generals into his replacements to take the blame, for his defeat in Ukraine.
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