E92: Iron Addicts Gym, Iron Wars VI & Fitness Journey with Samson Fletcher, Mr. O'Beast and Noah

2 years ago

On today's episode of American gypC Podcast, Klaccik had a chance to talk to Samson Fletcher, Mr. O'Beast, and Noah from Iron Addicts Gym. Samson Fletcher is a 2x Drug-Free Powerlifting World Champion and son of the legendary C.T Fletcher. Everyone on this episode is getting ready for IRON WARS VI on May 20th at Iron Addicts Gym.

Guest Link:

American gypC Podcast
Website: http://americangypc.com
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Music: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0m40c7gVhMJQVqrRmtRi3E

#IronWarsVI #IronAddicts

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