Federal Election, Ep. 6 | Rob Katter on KAP & other right wing options

2 years ago

The Good Sauce Federal Election Podcast is an overview of Australia's democracy, voting system, and main right-of-relative-centre political parties. Each episode Dave Pellowe asks a leading political thinker for their opinions and explanations to help right-thinking Australians be more effective with their vote and political influence.

In the sixth episode in this limited series, Rob Katter MP discusses:

• KAP values
• Differences from Nationals
• Important issue to KAP
• Religious liberty
• Our voting system, and
• the pros and cons of this election's Liberal Party, the Nationals, Katter's Australia Party, Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party, the Lib Dem's, United Australia Party, Shooters & Fishers and others,

SHARE: 👉 https://GoodSauce.news/federal-election-ep-6-rob-katter-on-kap-other-right-wing-options

Make sure you check out previous episodes with Gerard Rennick, George Christensen, Campbell Newman & Graham Young, before you vote on May 21! Tomorrow's final episode is with Australian Christians' Maryka Groenwald. 👉 DavePellowe.com

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