polemical musical on u s of gay

2 years ago

polemic on u s of gay
mass surveillance, everybody wanted this no matter what they say now
bigger picture folks
they woulda done more to not allow the way things are but...
you don't have to go along with anything...that's the purpose of freedom/liberty
patriotic? hahahahahaha
all this country does is watch tv
taking walks at all hours of the night
birds chirping sound INSANE, at least they ain't human
there was a time when it wasn't THIS bad
it's literally becuz of the industrial rev.
it ain't good to have it easy
i love my job, regardless
very few actually do...appreciate
you kinda have to be judgmental (according to God's law) but not hateful...still be an example of God's love, thru Christ
no morale compass, no wonder that they're so depressed
HELL no, this is not what a wanna do BORING!
i get depressed when looking around, but inside i'm fine
understanding myself/the world i live in...desire comes from God
so...yeah (so true!)

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