Buy iTeraCare Devices In Europe With Air Force Communications Veteran

2 years ago
24 Video about the Referral Link URL that is in your iNetwork back office. Register people around the world & help them with the registration process if they have questions. iNetwork is the exclusive supplier of the revolutionary tera hertz technology that creates TeraHertz waves with the Classic and PRO devices.

Make sure you select the right Diamond Package when selling the Diamond PRO iTeraCare device.

Detailed instructions about where and how to place your new customers. To earn the Level Pairing bonuses which are a big part of your income in the iNetwork, put people on the left leg all the way down your binary.

Example: You sign up Joe and put him on your left side of your binary. Place your next sign up Mary on your right side.

Now always put new people under Joe and Mary’s left sides. This will create the level pairing pay for you and it will also benefit your team. In the diagram below, Joe is Letter B. Mary is letter C. Always put people on the left side of Joe and Mary. Let their right sides be worked by them.

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