Outriders Level to 30 in Under 6 hours

3 years ago

How to level up your character in under 6 hours using this method for Outriders! So this video covers exactly how I leveled up all my alternate characters in under 6 hours.

You will need to first run through the storyline in World Tier 01, skip all the cut scenes which will take about 3 1/2 hours from demo level of 7. After that you run the World Tier grinder mission - here is a video on that route -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQ-ch76QUts . You will need to do this until you get high enough level gear that lets you do the first expedition.

The expedition that I recommend trying out is Archway, since it has monsters that run after you. If your gear is high enough this expedition is easy to complete. Once you have the right gear, run expeditions until you get to level 30.

If your build and gear is good enough from after completing the storyline, you can also skill the World Tier grind part and go straight to doing expeditions. Expeditions are the best way to get the remaining exp needed for level 30.

#Outriders #Leveling

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