Tribe Times Promo

3 years ago

Did you know that your body is made up of 99.9% pure Quantum Potential..?

Did you know that you have the power, the wisdom, and the beauty of the entire Universe inside yourself and by simply sitting in meditation and focusing on the things that you want... you are already creating this in your reality?

This is SCIENCE!

In fact, this science has been around for 102 years ever since Max Planck won the Nobel prize for quantum physics...

So my question to you is..

"What if the top is actually just the bottom of your potential"?

Would you give yourself the gift of daily meditation if this was so?

Take a Quantum leap into a future of your own design and comment below 👇 I would love to hear from you ✨

Dr E

Filmed by Raquel
Edited by @_shayman_
#quantum #consciousness #quantumexperience #personaldevelopment
#meditation #love #awareness #iamquantum

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