Food Security in Uncertain Times: CHANGE MAKERS PANEL @ Earth Frequency Festival 2021

3 years ago

Adapting and responding to change with Change Makers Permaculture Design Crew at Earth Frequency Festival 2021.

"Every moment we can choose to live in a symbiotic relationship with the world around us. We can make real change happen when we Care for our Earth, Care for our People and Consider the next 7 generations through our actions, as we transition out of the consumptive mind towards a Symbiotic Nature." - Annaliese Hordern

With our powers combined... This panel of next-generation Permaculture professionals come together and dive directly into the issues that we face at present; organic food security, seed sovereignty, local supply chains and how you play a very important part in. This passionately facilitated, interactive panel will have you raising your hand for the things that matter most in our lives and how we need to work together to bring about social change to ensure the children of tomorrow live healthy and enriching lives as we have had the opportunity to enjoy. This discussion is for those willing to be heard and serves as a great networking opportunity.

***** Join the Change Makers Permaculture Design Course in November 2021
Learn more here: *****

Our carefully curated and gracefully facilitated Permaculture Retreat gives a small group of participants a solid grounding in a broad range of regenerative topics.

It is designed for those who are ready to take action and gain the practical knowledge and skills required to sink their roots deep into radical self-determination and productive land regeneration.

Change Makers

Permaculture Design Course (PDC)

6th - 20th November 2020

Crystal Waters Eco Village, Sunshine Coast Hinterland, QLD

Our environmental, social and cultural climate is changing at an exponential rate... Are you armed with the right knowledge and practical skills to not only keep up but influence change?

'Though the problems of the world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple.' (Bill Mollison co-originator of Permaculture)

Despite the apparent increase in environmental problems and social polarization, there is a band of humans emerging that are integrating all perspectives and seeking holistic solutions grounded in common sense; care for the earth, care for our common unity, and care for our future generations

Permaculture is a design science founded on common sense. It unlocks ancient wisdom in a modern context and provides the necessary perspective, framework and practical tools to not only survive but thrive in an era of exponential change.

Our two-week immersive Change Makers PDC is specifically designed, carefully curated and gracefully facilitated for you to achieve an embodied understanding of natural systems and how permaculture design principles can help you become the most effective Change Maker you are destined to be through regeneration of connection to self, country, community and culture.

Our team of activated, visionary permaculture practitioners have a rich arsenal of offerings covering the full 72hr PDC curriculum, and more.

On the Panel:

Annaliese Hordern: Propagation & Seed Saving

Erin Young: Social Permaculture: Self, Kin & Community

Taj Scicluna : The Perma Pixie

Jay Jackson: Organic Motion

Jaye Irving: Barefoot Sustainable Design

Filmed by:

Shay Douglas: Earth Heroes TV

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