6 Minute Daily - Every Weekday - May 18th

2 years ago

#6MinuteDaily #EntertainmentNews2022 #CultureCasino

So the 6 Minute daily is your BLAST of entertainment news and pop culture! The show goes LIVE after the 3 minute musical prelude "sound check" It stays up for the current week at least and then gets archived Odysee.

Sound Check and Shout Outs
CBS to "Experiment" With Late Night Post Corden
The OZ Coverage Shows The Ridiculousness of the Media Once Again
Possible Arsonist Detained For Griffith Park Brushfire
She-Hulk "Drops" Trailer - No One Seems to Care
Megalopolis Shoots in August
TikTok Craze Really Making AH Look Worse Then Her Testimony
Netflix Cutting Out Ava Du Vernay's Agenda Driven Trash
Netflix "Screening" Films and Shows Ahead of Airing Them
YouTube Upfront Leans On Biggest Whale Creators - No Regular Content
CBS Axing Expensive Content Like Magnum PI - Comedies
Twitch Short Form Platform Rises - Kind Of
Cosby Back In The Courtroom Soon
1883 Gets Mirren and Ford
Target Leads Market Into Daily Slide
False Narrative Around Food Crisis Pushed By AP & Governments
Idiots in California Working Against Entire State's Best Interest - As Usual
Credits and Promotions

Today's Video on Disney Advertising on Their Grooming Shows: https://youtu.be/leuivVGUodo

Then Check Out MEitM Here: @Midnight's Edge https://youtu.be/rvleuOd_Zpc

Pop In on the Mad Barber Boyz For Some Street Smahtz @MadBarber Entertainment

Then Check Out The Dump on @Sporking News Podcast

If All Goes Well - Check out a Late Night Culture Stream HERE: https://youtu.be/JmRw5CrJf9A

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�� CultureCasino 2022

TITLE: 66 Minute Daily - Every Weekday - May 18th

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