Save the Republic Rally: Mary Miller

2 years ago

On Tuesday, January 5, 2021 Moms for America® held a Save the Republic Rally in front of the U.S. Capitol. Newly elected Representative Mary Miller (R-IL) spoke in defense of parental rights and the priority that families have in raising their children. Miller cited Hitler’s devilish plan, saying, ‘Hitler was right on one thing, he said he who owns the youth gains the future.’ The media immediately began posting defaming insinuations that Congresswoman Miller supported Hitler and should resign. The media owes Congresswoman Miller a swift and sincere apology for misrepresenting her statement and disregarding the full content and powerful message of her speech.

Truth is truth regardless of the source. Hitler also said, “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.” If we mandate people not talk about the insidious actions of Hitler we dismiss the horrific events he incited and open the door for them to be repeated. The media should focus on the truth instead of relentlessly repeating big lies.

While Congresswoman Miller’s statement is being taken out of context and used as a weapon against her, we know the real issue has nothing to do with Hitler, but the fact that she is a woman of courage who speaks truth in a time of universal deceit. As some are calling on Congresswoman Miller’s resignation, we reiterate our support for her, stand by her statements and encourage people to listen to her entire speech which was full of truth and inspiration. We are immeasurably blessed to have such a noble, courageous woman serving in the United States House of Representatives and look forward to many great things from her service. We need more mothers who know the importance of raising children to be good citizens serving in Congress. Our aim is to help mothers raise patriots who love this country, our constitution and who cherish our liberties.”

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