1st cigar review of 2021: 2017 EPC Encore episode 5A

2 years ago

The 5A Review: Superdan's predictions are becoming true:
the rush to socialism, silencing of alternative opinion, freedom of speech only if it's speech
you agree to! It's coming faster than even Superdan envisioned...The Great Reset or Great Purge is upon us. Cancel culture is here. Democracy or Technocracy
or Autocracy or Monarchy or Oligarchy or what???
In the midst of all this, Superdan reviews a terrific cigar: The EPC Encore 2017 3+ age (Cigar aficianado number one cigar original batch). Does
it live to the hype? A special thank you to the Privada Cigar Club for sending this cigar in this months care package! So watch, enjoy, and light er up!

Superdan uses a 0-5 star rating: 5 stars being best of the best, 1 star worst of the worse: Construction: 4.9, Taste: 4.2 stars, Price: 3.9 stars, Overall: 4.1 stars....strength medium, deep tobacco taste, very SMOOTH, hints of cinnamon, rye, bread, vanilla.Light er Up!

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