Points to Support the Children in Your Life

2 years ago

I always get asked if you can use facial reflexology on your children.The answer is YES!!! Please, please, please use these MAGICAL techniques on your children.

Facial reflexology is all about improving the chemicals in your body. Children are learning fast and their nervous systems are absorbing all the thoughts, feelings and emotions that go along with life.

As you support your children through facial reflexology and balancing the nervous system, you are helping them to become better adjusted and to handle their emotions, feelings and bodies in a happier and more successful way!

The biggest thing to know about practicing with children is that the younger they are, the less time and pressure they need to move energy quickly. If the child that you are working with is under the age of 5, use your finger tip instead of the Magic Wand.

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Don't forget to pick up your Magic Wand, too! It might be the best investment you make in the health and wellbeing of you and your family.

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