Removing a Fence and Clearing Brush to Prepare our Garden Site

3 years ago

We are almost ready to break ground on our garden but before we drop the tiller in the dirt there’s a little more work to be done. There’s an old fence that’s falling down and we are already in the process of replacing it so today it’s coming out, and after that we pick up some brush that we cut out of the fence on our property boundary. What a difference a weekend of work makes!

★ Hi-Lift Jack:

If you’ve been following our channel for any amount of time you’ve heard me complain about rotted fence posts. Many of the posts near the house and barn are not actually treated “posts”, they’re landscape timbers. If you are considering using landscape timbers as fence posts, DON’T! They are not made for that. Landscape timbers will rot and you (or the next guy) will be replacing them sooner than later. Because this fence is falling down we made the decision to put our garden here, and we’re putting in a new woven wire fence elsewhere in the field to keep our critters out of our veggies.

★ Replacing Rotted Posts for a Three Rail Fence:

And again, if you’ve been following us for a while you’ve heard me complain about overgrown fence rows (I promise I don’t complain all the time, just about stuff that bothers me). The fence marking the property line between our place and the neighbor’s place is very grown up with brush and vines, which is encroaching into our garden space. We did some work a few months ago to cut some of that stuff out and after putting it off for a while it’s finally time to add it to the burn pile.

With this work done the next step is to break ground! It is very exciting to be at this point. Be sure you’re subscribed so you’re always up to date on our little homestead. Thanks for watching, everyone!

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