Know your Enemy. Satan uses snares. His Warp Speed plans are revealed...(To Those W/Eyes to See)

2 years ago

Their plans are given to us, all you have to do is subscribe. You also must have eyes to see and ears to hear, because fear is a powerful weapon... And a snare.

Join me on Rumble before my YT goes down. Censorship has hit a new high (low), and everything I upload is delayed, put into a Review queue First, edited and censored or outright blocked and banned. My last two videos can be seen only uncensored and in their entirety on Rumble.

1. Apr 30 Black Moon in I Pet Goat. Proj Janus beast system. Nibiru, Ba'al & End of World in Thundarr?
2. Elon. God creates man, Man creates A.I. and alters man, A.I. counterfeit man kills god.

Also, I maintain a backup of all my video content and raw asset files on DropBox, which as of last week no longer allows me to save these same files that YT blocks so they are apparently on the same algorithm. Believe whatever you want, if your first thought is to comment that I'm a conspiracy theorist this late in the game, after everything prophetic we've seen, happen lately, you're not going to wake up now. And nothing I say will convince you otherwise (so one might wonder, why are you even watching my videos)...I don't believe there are any coincidences. Not of the magnitude I'm seeing lately. Not anymore.

Jesus is coming. Get right with God today. If I suddenly disappear doesn't matter how and millions of others disappear around the world with missed it, and got Left Behind, In that event, I pray you have the strength and inner resolve to do what it will take to make it to heaven with the rest of us.

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