Dr. Thomas Levy- "PEAK ENERGY"

3 years ago

Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.life presents
Freedom International Livestream
Nov 11, 2021, Thursday @ 12:00 PM EST 5:00 PM UK
Guest: Dr. Thomas Levy
Topic: Peak Energy

Brief Biography/Resume

Dr. Levy is a board-certified cardiologist and a bar-certified attorney. After practicing adult cardiology for 15 years, he began to research the enormous toxicity associated with much dental work, as well as the pronounced ability of properly-administered vitamin C to neutralize this toxicity. He has now written 13 books, with several addressing the wide-ranging properties of vitamin C in neutralizing all toxins and resolving most infections, as well as its vital role in the effective treatment of heart disease and cancer. Others address the important roles of dental toxicity and nutrition in disease and health.
Inducted into the Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame in 2016, Dr. Levy continues to research the impact of the orthomolecular application of vitamin C and antioxidants in general on chronic degenerative diseases. His ongoing research involves documenting that all diseases are different forms and degrees of focal scurvy, arising from increased oxidative stress, especially intracellularly, and that they all benefit from protocols that optimize the antioxidant levels in the body.
His latest book, Rapid Virus Recovery, is being given away to anyone who will download it, demonstrating that a proper protocol of hydrogen peroxide nebulization will reliably resolve COVID, often in its advanced stages, as a monotherapy. Other effective ways to eradicate the virus are discussed as well.


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