Should You Re-Test A Product That Could Possibly Be A Winner?

2 years ago

Should You Re-Test A Product That Could Possibly Be A Winner?

This is a common question I get a lot in the dropshipping scene.

A product that you've previously tested seemed to have done well, and you're wondering if it's worth testing it again, maybe trying some new creatives, ad copy or different interest targetting.

When it comes to product research for your Shopify Store, I believe that once the product has been tested and failed, save your budget for another product.

It's very rare that you re-test products that could be a potential winner, it depends on the KPIs and available budgets, but I always say test new products instead.

Today's video will be on that topic.
If you're in the middle of your product research journey and you're wondering of you should retest products that could end up being winners, here's my answer to this very common question.

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